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Positive Mindset

I am sure you have heard the question “Is your glass half full or half empty?”

The way in which you answer the question is supposed to determine how you perceive life. If the glass is half full you have a positive outlook and if you see the glass as half empty, well then you have a negative outlook.

This question represents Positive Mindset quite well, it shares with its audience the notion that we have the choice on how we are going to perceive a particular experience or situation.

Being positive or having a Positive Mindset is not always easy and certainly doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Life throws so many obstacles in our path that sometimes it can make it difficult to see what the bright side of the situation is or to shift our awareness to one that is more positive.

Like meditation, yoga or any new skill you are trying to learn and implement into your life, it takes time. You have to introduce this new perspective and slowly let it become a part of your everyday life. It is taking each moment as it comes, staying grounded in the present and asking yourself:

“Am I being kind to myself? Am I using positive self-talk?”

Having a personal gratitude practice can really support a Positive Mindset. Start your day with acknowledging all the ways in which you are lucky, or the things you are thankful for. Throughout the day remind yourself of the many things you are thankful for that connect you to the present moment. Share your gratitude with others, and encourage them to do the same practice. Surrounding yourself with people that also practice Positive Mindset can make the experience even more beneficial and support everyone to feel a little more happiness in their daily lives.

Introducing this idea to children at a young age can help children perceive their lives and certain situations in a more positive light. We can support them by using each failure as a learning opportunity. Shifting their attitude about a situation to think more positively, which in turn will allow them to feel happier. We can support confidence and resilience by providing children with the tools to use positive language about themselves, others and situations.

In our workshops if a child is down on themselves because they did something wrong we are able to shift that feeling and that perspective by asking them what they learned in that situation, or refocusing their attention on what they did well. We can still acknowledge unwanted behaviour or experiences but then it is important to shift our attention to something more positive and reinforce that experience or that behaviour.

You are not going to develop a Positive Mindset overnight but we promise with dedication and practice you can shift your thoughts and feel more positive each day.

Fun ways to see the Positive about each day!

1. Positive Affirmations: I am beautiful. I am kind. I am a leader.

2. Acknowledging the Little Things that make you happy!

3. Shifting Perspective: What did I learn from this situation?

For more ways to incorporate Positive Mindset into you and your family's lives, visit Mindful Little Things website!

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