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Explore Nature
Mindful Resource
Express yourself
Mind Jars
Attention to detail

Mindful Support

Mindful Little Things provides little tips to help connect everyone to the present moment. It supports the practice of experiencing life right now, using Mindfulness Based Techniques and Play Based Learning.

What is Mindfulness?

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But what exactly is Mindfulness?!

Many people think that the practice of mindfulness only happens while in meditation, or that meditation and mindfulness are the same but that is just not true!

Mindfulness is all about bringing your attention to the present moment, and experiencing life right now, as it happens, in whatever experience you are currently having!

It is about using your senses, slowing down, and really taking your time.

It is about patience, growth and connecting to nature, animals and those beautiful humans around you.

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How do you teach Mindfulness to children?

Introduce it slowly

Make sure you understand Mindfulness first (it helps to have your own practice)

Practice Mindfulness together 

Speak of it often, bringing your child’s attention to what they are doing

Have a positive Mindset

Support building friendships (new and old!)

Be considerate (of our earth, others and yourself)

Incorporate the words mindfulness and mindful often

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Benefits of Mindfulness for Children

Minimizes Anxiety

Supports a positive Mental Health practice

Can be used in all areas of life

Supports a feeling of increased happiness

Promotes kindness and curiosity

Helps us slow down and feel calm 

Greater awareness of self and others

Enhances memory, focus and concentration

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Fun ways to experience Mindfulness

Colour slowly and with intention, remind children to slow down and take their time. 

Go for a nature walk! Walk slowly, what can you see, hear, touch or smell?

Use your senses to enhance experiences 

Check out our Resource Page for more great activities and tips!

Developing Bodies
Ability to Learn
Make Connections
Be Present
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